teZa Lord
3 min readMay 26, 2023


Each moment, each day is about consciously choosing …


Day 2

Through the brightly illuminated clouds, around the dark funnel of approaching storms, and everything in-between, each of us gets to choose how we experience and design our lives.

Me? I’m all in for the highest, the best, the most fulfilling I can possibly get. I bet you too. Who would choose less-than, when they’re finally aware of the very real fact that how our lives are is the cumulative effect of all choices we’ve made … up to this very moment.

And maybe more.

What do I mean by “more” than our own myriad daily choices?

When I was a kid (maybe you had the same experience) I remembered eerie stuff, of having been somewhere before, met someone before. As vocabulary arrived, I realized by my teens and early adulthood, that what I experienced as a kid is called déjà vu. Experiencing, whether in life or in dreams, something very familiar as if already knowing it.

As my awareness and life experiences grew, I realized many people on earth believe in Reincarnation. As soon as I heard about this “new” idea (I was a good little Catholic girl) it made so much more sense to me that the black-and-white line in the sand of my soul being sent to heaven or hell upon my death. That seemed too, well, simple. And wasn’t much incentive to keep persevering when things got tough. Which they do for all of us.

Once discovered, and with great relief, I threw my hat in with Eastern mysticism, the yogis, the Buddhists, the Taoists, and changed my thinking about this life here being the all and end of everything. More than the rainbow of heaven or the pits of hell awaited me after all. I was excited now, no longer felt sad about whether I achieved success in life or not.

Sure, I’d try to do my best. But if I failed — and fail I did, over and over, and yes, a few successes came along too — I now had some assurance all my efforts were not going to be for naught, if I couldn’t achieve the few simple goals I’d set out for myself. After all, one human lifetime is pretty dern short in terms of coming to understand what’s entailed with choosing a happy and fulfilled life. We all make a lot of mistakes. It’s human. We’re a pretty insane lot of creatures, it’s been proven ceaselessly.

Settled at last by my thirties — in a life philosophy of my own discovery, not the one expected of me by family and Western culture — I set out on being the best I could be, right here and now, each day, each moment, each breath.

With this kind of inner Light guiding me, the Light of Love I call it (starting with Self Love that ripples right along to loving all others, no matter what, quite the exercise in acceptance, my friends!) I finally arrived at a place where each decision I made was guided by these two factors: a — is my decision going to bring me closer to the Light of Love, or b — is another decision taking me further away, to a dark place of unhappiness.

Now that I’m committed to being as aware as I possibly can, I’d be a fool not to choose anything other than embracing as much Light as I can, in as many way as I run into. I can feel your head shaking yes to this also.

Since adopting this attitude (after previously struggling with the darkness of addiction, always the wrong choice but a very human weakness we all must pass through on our way to higher awareness) life has been so much more pleasant. And simple.

I like to keep things simple. Even the hard stuff.

Please join me at tezalord.com and enjoy my offerings: books, art, videos: lots of Light to share with you.

Love, teZa



teZa Lord

author/artist /Spirit activist. Visit teZaLord.com . listen to ZLORD podcast & see my YouTube MindStillers. NEW book, a magic-realism eco-novel coming SOON.